Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I might have a really hard time with the fact that e-boards blog isn't my blog. Carrie just wrote the first non-Katy entry, and she only capitalized one word in the title- the second word, and it was all in CAPS.

*Deep breath*

Perhaps this will be a good exercise in not having to control everything.

(You can check out e-board's blog at binghamtonivcf.blogspot.com.)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

All about the sabbath (mostly cause I'll copy paste this to use for my healthy habits journal)

So I am interrupting my quite time to write this, because something occurred to me this Sabbath. I think I am trying to be a weekend rest warrior, and trying to get all my rest into one day. And this means that I am not focusing on resting in God, but more on catching up on sleep and play that I don’t get to enjoy during most of the week. I’d like for my Sabbath to be lots of quite time (in the literal and Christianese sense), reading, time in nature, and fellowship. But yesterday, I was so physically tired by Sabbath, that all I did was lie on the floor of Steve and Tom’s place and watch tv and movies.

I think if I want to rest, and not just veg, I am going to have to be better at giving myself breaks through out the week. I'm getting better at setting aside chunks of time for home work, fellowship work, and Korean language development, so now I think I want to put aside some rest time during my days. If I actively rest as opposed to trying to doing hours upon hours of highly distracted work, I'll probably be able to get more done.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My stupid freaking healthy habit journal, Sabbath, and tooth pick crosses

So I'm supposed to take up a healthy habit and keep a daily journal of it for NURS 222. Yeah freaking right. Like I'm going to journal EVERY DAY about some thing. I think I really resent that the nursing program is taking the liberty to make me change how I live AND being so invasive as to make me write about it EVERY day. Screw that.

This entire entry is going into the journal, including what I just said. If they want to know about how I feel about adopting a healthy habit and then writing about it all the time, then they can know how irate I am that they are trying to get so much into my life. For a program that places such an emphases on professionalism and separating your private life from your work, you'd think that they'd let us be good nursing students in class and clinical but who ever we want to be outside.

So my healthy habit is going to be keeping the rest work cycle as laid out in Genesis 1, aka Sabbath keeping. But a part of resting one day is working the other six, so I think that that is what I'll be journaling about for the most part.

Sabbath Update: Last Sunday, my room was spick and span by the time Saturday 7 rolled around, and I didn't do homework or fellowship work till Sunday 6:30ish. Next week I want to do the same things, but add both a quite time (at least 1/2 hour) on Saturday night and on Sunday (again, at least 1/2 hour) before sabbath ends, and I want to subtract spending money. So no shopping on Sabbath. I've decided that that doesn't apply to dinning halls, but no Walmart or online stuff on Sabbath. A part of not working I think should also be not acquiring.

Work Update: So as today isn't sabbath, I should have don't lots of work. But I didn't. I got up later then usual cause I was tired. And after eight and a half hours of classes, I just went over to Sunroot's for dinner and we talked till 11. (God, I love talking with that kid...) Now I'm just trying to get some fellowship stuff done before bed.

I'm okay with not getting lots of work done on Tuesdays. If I can get through all my classes, that seems like work enough. I just wish I didn't have to organize this freaking tabling thing for IV. I love God, but not some of ways I find my self serving Him. I guess its just a toothpick cross I'll have to put in my pocket and let poke me sometimes. (aka 'bearing my cross' on a much, much smaller scale.)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cognitive activation theory of stress

The theory that instability and stress occur whenever there is a discrepancy between what the person perceives the situation should be and what it is.

(aka- my life)