Thursday, June 26, 2008

KgtK Part 3: I am traped in an Asian frat house

Today, I moved into my dorm at Yonsei. To say that I don't really fit in here is kind of the understatement of the century. The program that I am in is almost exclusivly Korea Americans (I think I am the only full white girl in the program) who are here because they want to drink.

Here are the Asian circles that I am aquanted with. 1. Chinese American Christians 2. Korean American Christians 3. Korean International students who play drums. If you noticed, none of those circles cover gyopo who want to party. What have I gotten myself into?

My roommate is straight up Korean- from Jeju Island, which is great because it means that I will have to practice my Korean with her. And, despite the fact that we don't speak the same language, I probably feel more comfortable with her then some of the other girls. Maybe its like I am traped in an Asian frat house.

I did meet these guys from the other program. (There are 2. One is like a regular summer school, and the other (the one I am in) is KLI- we just study Korean) They turned out to be really cool. We talked at a bar until it got close to my dorm's cerfew, and they made sure I didn't walk by myself. Not only was it good conversation, they were really sweet. I would not mind at all if that became my primary group of friends.

Day 6 and counting of me being in a country where it is legal for me to drink and still I have not. I think I am petrified of it. But this might not be a fear I need to confront right away, and I am having plenty of fun sober, so that count might get a lot longer.

The last three days at PJ's house where so jam packed, I am tempted not to write about it at all of fear I might not do it justice. Maybe Ill just do a story here and there when the mood strikes. Tonight's story is that when I was coming back from Lotte World on the suvway, I started talking to a very good looking 26 year old business man, who told me I was cute. If he had not been so good looking, it probably would have skeezed me out a bit. But he was, so I didn't. Have I said yet that I love this country? Because I do.


matthew john said...

woah woah woah. asian frat house? Aren't you the girl that youtubes them doing their step routines and says things like, "I wish I could join an asian frat..."

glad to see you're having a good time =)

Katy Ruth said...

i lied.